Greg Noe
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Configuring Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs)
Published May 21st, 2024 by Greg Noe
X.509 certificates for SSL/TLS are issued with a limited lifespan. There are circumstances where certificates must be invalidated/revoked before their expiration date. Reasons for certificate revocation include: The certificate's private key has been compromised The affiliation of the certificate to an entity has changed The certificate has been sup
Dynamic Configuration Customization
Published February 28th, 2024 by Greg Noe
Date: 09-27-2024 OpenLDAP has two configuration methods, static and dynamic. The static method stores settings in the slapd.conf configuration file which is more readable then trying to interpret the dynamic settings with cn=config. However, when settings are changed in slapd.conf, slapd must be restarted for the changes to be applied. The dynamic
Configure LastBind
Published February 15th, 2024 by Greg Noe
Date: 07-24-2024 Why memorize the date of last authentication? Could this overlay be used to verify employees are actually connecting to the system and working? Sure, but real benefit (and practical purpose) is to identify accounts that are obsolete or have not been used to authenticate for several months. Configuring lastbind The lastbind overlay h
Troubleshooting slapadd
Published August 21st, 2024 by Greg Noe
Resuming slapadd After correcting an issue with an entry in the input ldif, you can resume slapadd at the point in the ldif where the correction was made using the -j <line-number> argument. The line at the line number must start with dn:. Without this argument slapadd will fail because it tries to re-add entries already processed in the inp